Lismullin Cookery School
Cookery and Home Art Classes in the Heart of Meath
Upcoming Classes
Can't find a date or time that suits?
If you've a group of 10 or more and you can't find a date or time that suits contact us directly to arrange a bespoke class that suits your group.
Follow us @LismullinCookerySchool to see more exciting updates, delicious recipes, and engaging cooking tips. We invite you to join our community and discover the many culinary adventures await!
Located in the picturesque surroundings of Lismullin, Co. Meath, Lismullin Cookery School stands as a beacon for culinary enthusiasts. offering a diverse range of classes, from immersive hands-on courses to captivating demonstrations and tastings.
At Lismullin Cookery School, we offer more than just a cooking class – we provide an opportunity to discover the art of cooking, baking, and home arts.
Cooking, Baking & Home Arts
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Get in Touch
Find out how you can join our high quality classes and courses in Cooking, Baking, and Home Arts. Experience our engaging Demonstrations and fun Cook Camps right in the heart of Meath.